Firefly Advising
Firefly is a consultancy service led by Arden Everson. They help people to articulate what they need to be happier at work, and help businesses create environments where people can thrive. We were starting from point zero with Firefly, helping the enterprise create a unique visual identity and launch their first ever website. Exciting stuff!

UX Design: Katie Gee
Branding and UI Design: Alaïs de Saint Louvent
Development: Sofiia Bondarenko
Arden wanted the brand’s eponymous fireflies to be incorporated in the branding and logo design. You can see the working we did around the firefly illustration in the images to the right. The client had a reasonable idea of the colour palette they wanted, and sent us good design references. We sourced free versions of the custom fonts the client desired to help keep costs of the project down. There’s an intentional duality in Firefly’s branding. It’s quirky and approachable with blocky shapes and bright colours, but also clean and professional.