Become a Co-Director at Studio Lutalica
Become a Co-Director at Studio Lutalica
Hey there change-makers!
We’re Studio Lutalica, and we’re scouting for Co-Directors who are ready to stir things up and push boundaries in the design world.
Stepping into a Co-Director role at Studio Lutalica is a bit like being a trustee of a charity. It’s a commitment of passion and principle, as the role isn’t paid. But we’d love for our Co-Directors to join the team as contractors or employees if the opportunity arises.
To find out more about our values and how we serve women and LGBTQ+ communities, check out our Manifesto.
As a Lutalica Co-Director, You Will ...
Embrace Our Values: Uphold our commitment to intersectional feminism, trans inclusivity, and environmental justice.
Champion Excellence and Accessibility: Lead with a commitment to design excellence and ensure accessibility is at the heart of our work.
Empower and Support: Foster a culture where every voice matters and the wellbeing of our team is paramount.
Redefine Professionalism: Advocate for an inclusive workplace where everyone brings their whole self to work.
Lead with Learning: Embrace continuous learning and stay attuned to emerging trends.
What You'll Do
A CIC Director has the following duties under the Companies Act 2006:
- To act within the company’s powers
- To act in the way they consider, in good faith, would be most likely to achieve the community purpose of the company, and in doing so have regard (amongst other matters) to:
- the likely consequence of any decision in the long term
- the interests of the company’s employees
- the need to foster business relationships with customers, suppliers and others
- the impact of the company’s operations on the community and the environment
- the desirability of the company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct
- the need to act fairly as between the members of the company
- To exercise independent judgement
- To exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
- To avoid conflicts of interest
- Not to accept benefits from third parties
- To declare an interest in proposed transactions or arrangements and in existing transactions and arrangements where appropriate.
What This Means in Practice
In practice, you’ll be joining a monthly (or quarterly, or we’ll decide that together anyway) catch-up meeting and a quarterly (or as above) strategy meeting where we’ll make decisions about small and big things, keep us accountable for our goals, celebrate success, etc. We don’t expect a larger commitment than 5 hours per month, and it will most likely be less after the first few ‘setup’ months.
Legal Responsibilities
As a Co-Director, while you won’t personally be on the hook for our actions (phew!), it’s important to know that in some rare cases, the law might have something to say. This usually happens if things go a bit sideways, like in wrongful or, heaven forbid, fraudulent trading. Also, just a heads up, sometimes those lending us money, like banks or landlords, might ask co-directors to personally vouch for the company. It will be completely up to you to accept or decline, no hard feelings! Some legal responsibilities may include:
- Ensure legal compliance, financial accountability, and avoid conflicts of interest.
- Represent the company in legal and business matters.
- Uphold ethical standards and manage risks.
If you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to ask.
We're Looking For
- A believer in and advocate for the power design has to empower organisations and movements.
- An intersectional feminist (no compromising here!).
- Someone confident and clear in their decisions.
- A friendly and approachable personality, yet serious when needed.
- A fair-minded advisor who champions equity and inclusivity.
- Someone with a specific area of expertise (is it Business Development? Is it Fundraising? Marketing? HR? What can you bring to the table?).
Benefits of being a Co-Director
- Drive meaningful change in a groundbreaking design studio.
- Work in a culture where your uniqueness is celebrated.
- Grow, learn, and make a tangible difference.
How to Apply
Feeling inspired? If this sounds like you, we’re keen to meet you. Let’s make some magic together!
We strongly, highly, profoundly (pretty please!) encourage applications from women, trans, queer, disabled and Black, Brown, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, first of all because these groups are underrepresented throughout the creative industry, and secondly because if we want to support these communities, we need these voices to be the core of our leadership team.
To apply, please send your CV and cover letter to hello@lutalica.studio, using the subject line ‘[YOUR FULL NAME] – Co-Director Application’ and answering the following questions:
- What is your area of expertise?
- Why are you interested in joining a feminist and queer design organisation?
The deadline for this round of applications is January 31st.
Apply now and join our movement of inclusivity and creativity! 🚀