Grab a cuppa, get comfy and have a nosy around :)

Bloume Health is dedicated to revolutionising the approach to pelvic pain, addressing the lack of support and misdiagnosis faced by many. Their mission is to close the Gender Pain Gap. Founded by Claudia Chisari, who undertook the UK’s first PHD on Vulvodynia, we supported Bloume with a full Re-Brand, the design of a Pitch Deck and a landing page from which to develop their User Interface (Web Design).


Rename: Lily Hannigan

Branding and UX/UI: Zoe Tang

Social Media Templates

We applied the brand principles above to created Bloume Health’s social media templates, ensuring a seamless extension of their brand personality across platforms. With engaging visuals, harmoniously integrated soft colours, and custom-made graphics, these templates have been designed to attract Bloume’s audience and foster a connection to the brand.

User Interface

Our approach to the User Interface focused on creating a web experience that feels approachable and accessible. By integrating organic forms and a soothing colour palette, we aimed to create a welcoming and supportive digital space, reflecting Bloume’s dedication to empowering individuals to manage genito-pelvic pain from the comfort of their homes.

Pitch Deck and Collateral

For the pitch deck, we sought to depict Bloume’s ethos through abstract shapes that convey a sense of intimacy and softness. Incorporating flowy lines and textures, the design emphasises their commitment to providing evidence-based support for pelvic pain management, setting them apart within the healthcare sphere.